Michael Lyons

Senior Consultant

Michael specializes in real estate projects with a particular focus on intentional community design, community management, and organizational integration. He brings a broad array of experience as a serial entrepreneur who has launched companies across various industries, including retail imports, marketing technology, real estate, and impact investing.

In 2011, he founded and grew Global Petals, an international brokerage firm specializing in high-end imports. He later moved to Silicon Valley and then to Atlanta where he built several marketing technology products and established a digital growth practice within a specialized consulting firm serving Airbnb, JP Morgan, Dell Secureworks, Alteryx, Travel Leaders, Halyard Health, and others.

With a growing interest in the intersection of real estate and intentional communities, Michael went on to establish [Y] Impact Ventures. The impact investment firm is focused on driving social good and financial return by increasing the value of housing through community building. Here, he developed his unique expertise in developing repeatable systems for constructing intentional communities that benefit all stakeholders involved in real estate projects.

In addition to his professional endeavors, Michael actively engages in local and national community building initiatives. He serves as a member of the national team for the Lumen Institute, helping to grow and strengthen a community of executives who strive to grow in their faith. Michael is also the program manager for the Timothy Collective, a mentorship organization with a mission to empower and guide young men in their spiritual, human, and professional formation.

[email protected]

Cell | 630.276.8451


University of Illinois | Finance